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An Estimated One In Four Credit Reports Contains An Error – Keeping Tabs On Your Credit Report & Disputing Any Errors Is More Important Than Ever

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2023 | Credit Report

A Little History on the Credit Report

Consumer credit reports are perhaps the most important tool in evaluating your financial well-being. What many consumers do not realize is that the impact of credit reporting transcends access to credit alone.

Credit reports are compiled by credit bureaus, the largest of which are known as often referred to as the “Big Three.” The Big Three are made up of Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. These goliaths dominate the market that controls information about how you manage your financial obligations. There are many other credit bureaus, but we’ll save that for another blog.

Credit bureaus, and the credit reports that they generate, provide a snapshot of your financial history, and are routinely used by lenders when considering applications for loans or credit, serving as a critical tool in evaluating an applicant’s financial responsibility and ability to repay debt. Notably, the significance of your credit reports does not end with access to credit. Consumer reports also influence access to employment, housing, insurance, and even securing a bank account.

Understanding Your Credit Report

Understanding your credit report is key. Credit reports are confusing to many people, but they don’t need to be if you understand the main sections. This blog will focus on the most common type of consumer report: the credit report – the type of report most creditors rely on, which come from the Big Three.

Usually the first section includes your ‘personal information.’ This section includes key showing information about you, such as your name, current and previous addresses, Social Security number, and employment history. It is important that you pay special attention to this section to ensure information is not showing that does not belong to you. Presence of inaccurate personal information may be a sign of identity theft or that your file is mixed up with another consumer.

The next important section is the ‘credit history,’ which serves as a detailed record of your financial activities. It encompasses information about your credit accounts, including credit cards, loans, and mortgages. This section outlines your payment behavior, including whether you have consistently made on time payments or if there are accounts in collections. Lenders and creditors evaluate this section to determine your creditworthiness. In some reports you will find that adverse or negative history is separated into a separate section, which calls for your close scrutiny for accuracy. Adverse events include things such as late payments, defaults, or accounts sent to collections. These entries can significantly impact your credit score and your ability to secure credit on favorable terms. Understanding this section is crucial, as it allows you to address any past financial challenges and take steps to rebuild your credit. Inaccurate information in this section should be promptly addressed. Steps on how to do so can be found in this blog in the section below.

Finally, there is a section made up ‘inquiries.’ This section sets forth who has accessed your credit report. When you apply for credit, creditors typically request your credit report from one or more of the Big Three (or other) credit reporting agencies. If any entity has accessed your report with whom you have no relationship, or did not give permission, this may also be a sign of identity theft.

Use the guidelines about to review your credit report thoroughly. Carefully review each section of your credit report outlined above, including personal information, credit history, inquiries, and any adverse information. Look for discrepancies, inaccuracies, and items that do belong to you.

In conclusion, understanding the important sections of your credit report is an important key to financial health. Being proactive will help you to monitor your credit history, ensure the accuracy of your personal information, track who is accessing your credit report, and address any adverse financial events promptly. By taking control of monitoring your credit report, you can make informed financial decisions, improve your standing, and ultimately take control of your financial future.

How Your Credit Report is Compiled

There are two primary players that control the making of your credit report:

#1 Credit Bureaus. We already talked about the Big Three (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) and others. These bureaus receive information about your financial activity from creditors on an ongoing basis. The credit bureaus store and organize this data, and then sell it to third-parties who use that information to make key financial decisions about you. This is why federal law requires that credit bureaus ensure the accuracy and completeness of your credit report.

#2 Creditors and Lenders. The foundation of your credit report is laid by creditors and lenders. When you open a credit account, be it a credit card, loan, or mortgage, these financial institutions gather data about you and your financial behavior. This data includes your payment history, credit limits, account balances, and the types of credit you have. Your creditors and lenders then give this information about you to the credit bureaus.

Why It is So Important that You Monitor Your Credit Report

  • Detecting Errors. Credit reports often have errors, such as incorrect account information, late payments, or may even include accounts that do not belong to you. Regularly reviewing your credit report allows you to catch these errors and take steps to correct them sooner than later. These errors could negatively impact your credit score and your ability to obtain credit on favorable terms, or sometimes, at all.
  • Preventing Identity Theft. Monitoring your credit report can help you detect signs of identity theft. If you see accounts or inquiries that you do not recognize, it may be a sign that someone is using your personal information. Addressing identity theft promptly is crucial to minimizing potential damage.
  • Improving Credit Health. By regularly checking your credit report, you can assess your overall credit health. This includes understanding your credit utilization ratio (the amount of credit you’re using compared to your total credit limit), payment history. This information can help you make informed decisions about improving your credit score, which is the gateway to more favorable credit terms in the future.
  • Preparing for Major Financial Decision. Before applying for a mortgage, auto loan, or other significant transaction, it is prudent to check your credit report. Lenders use your credit history and score to decide your creditworthiness and the loan terms they will offer. By reviewing your credit report beforehand, you have the chance to fix any errors that may have an adverse impact on your ability to secure favorable terms.

Overall, checking your credit report is a proactive step to safeguard your financial well-being, catch errors or fraudulent activity, and work towards maintaining a healthy credit profile.

Adverse Information on Your Credit Report can affect more than Just Your Access to Credit

Negative information on your credit report can affect your life in many ways.

  • Loan Approvals: Errors on your credit report result in loan denials or approvals with less favorable terms. Lenders use your credit report to assess the risk of lending to you. If your report has inaccuracies, you may be denied a loan outright, or be offered a loan with higher interest rates and less favorable terms.
  • Employment Opportunities: Some employers use credit reports as part of their hiring process, especially for positions involving financial responsibility or access to sensitive information. Errors on your report may prevent you from getting a job.
  • Housing and Rental Access. Landlords and property management companies often check credit reports when evaluating rental applications. Errors that negatively affect your credit report can make it more difficult to secure housing, or they may require you to pay higher security deposits.
  • Insurance Premiums. Insurers may use credit information to decide the rates you pay for auto or home insurance.
  • Financial Stress and Anxiety. Dealing with errors on your credit report can be mentally taxing. The stress and anxiety of resolving these issues can be significant.
  • Missed Opportunities. Credit report errors can lead to missed financial opportunities, such as not qualifying for credit cards with rewards programs or missing out on a promotional interest rate. Many consumers are “chilled” to applying when they know false information is present that may negatively affect their chances.

It’s crucial to regularly monitor your credit report to catch and correct errors promptly. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that grants consumers the right to dispute inaccuracies on their credit reports, and credit bureaus are obligated to investigate and correct errors. There are certain obligations on the part of the entities giving false information as well. And when credit bureaus and furnishers fail to act in accordance with the FCRA, this may entitle you to financial compensation under the law, including having your legal expenses paid for. By taking proactive steps to ensure the accuracy of your credit report, you can mitigate the potential negative impacts that errors might have on your financial life and maintain a strong financial foundation.

Steps to Take if You Discover Errors on Your Credit Report

The potential impact of errors on your credit report can be substantial. These errors, which can range from inaccuracies in personal information to misreported financial data, have the power to influence the cost of credit for you, and perhaps your access to obtain any credit at all.

Keep copies of everything. Create a record of any and all errors you identify. This documentation will be critical when you dispute the inaccuracies (how to dispute inaccuracies will also be the subject of another blog), and if you end up in litigation. Contact an experienced consumer attorney. Most attorneys will consult with you at no cost to you and will provide you with guidance regarding the steps you need to take to dispute the inaccuracies properly under the FCRA and provide you with your legal options. Most experienced consumer attorneys represent consumers at no cost unless/until a settlement or verdict in your favor if you have a strong legal claim.

Taking these steps diligently can help you find and fix errors on your credit report, improve your credit standing, and ensure that your credit history accurately represents your financial behavior, ultimately benefiting your financial destiny.

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